CrossMediaTour now also in the New Volkshaus
On 02.10.2023, a total of 10 technology enthusiasts met on their first day of vacation to do something very special - build their own FM radio.Even the topic was exciting. Today you can buy everything ready-made. But how it looks like in there and how it all works, that's what they wanted to explore here. After a short introduction - what are radio waves and what does VHF actually mean, we started. Unpacking the kit, checking that the parts are complete, assembling the first parts. That went quite quickly for the 4 girls and 6 boys.Then it got more complicated. To make sure nothing went wrong, Rainer showed the next steps with the help of a beamer. After about an hour, the last wires were connected - and here the manufacturer made us sweat quite a bit. The wire ends were too short, so that the springs could not hold the wire. This required a lot of help. All the helpers put in a lot of effort.And then came the moment of truth. Switch on and... The first radioplayed, the second. Unfortunately, there was not enough time to give all the children a radio that was ready to play. Rainer then offered to come by again and troubleshoot. Some of the parents wanted to have another look together with their children right at home.All in all, it was a successful workshop. This is also confirmed by the questionnaires filled out by the children.