The #Rosenwerk

The Dresden self-made center on 800m²

The #Rosenwerk is located in an approximately 8000m² industrial complex in a business park near the city center. Nestled in the middle of nowhere between the Löbtau thermal power station, the main railway station and Dresden Mitte, it is centrally located and yet in a blind spot of urban perception.

Where the square meter prices are just about affordable despite the good location, the Konglomerat e.V. has been renting a total of approx. 800m² of premises and premises and open spaces. Together with friends and colleagues, the association would like to develop these into an adequate production base for current and new projects, their own and others', private and social projects. The necessary production infrastructure is provided by the workshops and forms the core of the project. The open workshop at the center of the project provides equipment and processes that go beyond the possibilities of the individual. It can be used by everyone, from the neighborhood, hobbyists and families, to civil society actors, artists and cultural workers, to companies and the manufacturing industry. The grand vision is to establish a Dresden center of do-it-yourself culture.

The vision continues... #Rost 77

Lines 01

With the former Administration building of a paint chemicals we are already dreaming ourselves into the future and expansion of a Center of do-it-yourself culture in Dresden.

Together with our friends architects Kunze Reisnecker we developed a concept.

It's great! It's going down really well! All we need are the coins...

The #RW is us and our neighborhood

Lines 06

Free Dresden Pole Dance Training Community

Workshop friends
Werkstadtpiraten e.V.

Freifunk Dresden

Solidarische Landwirtschaft (SoLaWi)
Pick-up station of LebensWurzeln e.V., Schellehof and deinHof