Explanation of terms (Glossary)

Over the years, a lot of abbreviations and terms have accumulated which can lead to a lot of confusion, especially for new members. So we thought a glossary wouldn't be a bad idea:


"Room without a name" - The large room on the first floor where you will find the kitchen, office, sewing workshop, etc. This is also where the intros start!


This is the name of the entire part of the industrial building that we rent as a conglomerate. More info here: #Rosenwerk


This is the office at the RON with the long table, where our accounting department also has its desk. This is also where the board meetings take place every other Wednesday.


this usually refers to the "Gitterboxen" park. These are wildly planted lattice boxes in the parking lot on Rosenstrasse next to the members' entrance. This is where the workshop bar takes place in summer


Volkshaus Cotta, more information can be found here: Volkshaus Cotta