10 days of exchange and urban practice

The FOR:[A]UM opened its doors on Hauptstraße in Dresden from February 1 to 10, 2024. In addition to other vacant store spaces in the immediate vicinity of the old town, a place for exchange and encounters for "city making" and "urban practice" was created for 10 days. In cooperation with the industry association of Dresden's cultural and creative industries"Wir gestalten Dresden", the interim use was supported by the federal program"Zukunftsfähige Innenstädte und Zentren". The FOR:UM collective invited visitors to read, listen, discuss and participate: How do we make our city sustainable? How do we develop our city so that the majority of residents feel comfortable in it? In addition to two exhibitions, including the"Urban League on Tour", and a reading corner as well as a video corner, there were accompanying lectures, panel discussions, movie nights and workshops.

The FOR:[A]UM project was part of the "Kreativ.Raum.Börse", which took place in cooperation between the state capital of Dresden(@landeshauptstadt_dresden) and WIR GESTALTEN DRESDEN(@wirgestaltendresden) and was funded as part of the Federal Program for Sustainable Inner Cities and Centers of the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building.