Open breakfast for women

Datum: 1767258000000 bis 1767261600000
Ort: Neues Volkshaus Cotta, Hebbelstraße 35B, 01157 Dresden, Deutschland
Open breakfast for women Start the day with coffee, tea, bread rolls, fruit and good company. There is the opportunity to talk to other women, exchange ideas and get to know the advice center for women without gainful employment. The breakfast is free of charge. Open advice on topics such as (career) orientation and perspective development; activating resources and strengthening self-esteem; support in difficult life situations and crises; support with concerns and questions when dealing with the authorities. Service manager: Christina Pietzarka When? Thursday, 04.07., 08.08., 12.09. 10 to 11:30 a.m. Breakfast, 11:30-12:30 a.m. Counseling